Whats the Best Hosting? SEO Hosting or What?

Hi Everyone

Herein a big change in our recommendation for the hosting you should use.

Hosting for SEO’ers has long been a challenge.  It was first dealt with convincingly by a service called Easy Blog Networks and we used to recommend them.

We don’t recommend them any more, and here’s why.

First, Easy Blog Networks are among the most expensive options.


  • You don't get Control Panel (CPanel) access at all
  • You can't use simple upload functions (file manager or FTP)
  • They block a number of plugins from being used - denying you the option

and finally…

You can't use EBN with our amazing Phoenix Authority Site Restorer!

So we had to search for an alternative…

And we’ve found a GREAT one.

It’s called Bulk Buy Hosting and it is the hosting of choice for us for PBNs and Restored Sites.

Bulk Buy Hosting suffers none of the disadvantages of EBN I listed above, and will save you $15 or $20 bucks a month (around $200 over a year).  That’s a useful saving.

It’s a great, inexpensive, friendly service that, unlike EBN, is state of the art for SEO.

(EBN is a little in the dark ages on some of their SEO views, I know having had a discussion with them a couple of weeks ago)…

Bulk Buy Hosting is now our recommendation for a top quality, super safe (Google safe / footprint free) SEO hosting.  And it will save you money!

All the best,
